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Tefillot arranged by the Chief Rabbi of Israel to recite: Tehillim perek 20, 110, and 121, and                                                                                   “מי שברך לחיילי צה"ל וכוחות הבטחון” and “מי שברך לשבויים”                                                                                                                                   Those who are davening at home are encouraged to incorporate these Tefillot as well.


The RJC is coordinating a “Spritual Shmira” learning rotation so that Torah is being studied in the merit of our soldiers, 24 hours a day. Please sign up here (Google Sheets) for a 15 minute slot to learn Torah or recite Tehillim in honor of our heroes.


For those who are unsure about where to direct their charitable giving, the RJC Israel Relief Fund is a simple and safe way to donate through our shul. 100% of funds will go directly to helping fight this war, including to pay for travel expenses of Chayalim from Riverdale flying home to fight for Israel. To donate to the Israel Relief Fund click here.

Additional giving opportunities include:

A Message from Rabbi Dovid Zirkind

Dear Members and Friends,

There are simply no words. What began as a beautiful Yom Tov of joy and celebration, quickly became one of the darkest moments in the history of the State of Israel. We are horrified by the evil and brutal acts of terror committed by enemies of our people and today we are called to action to do whatever we can to support our homeland. With that in mind, above are a few suggestions to help guide your actions as events unfold.

In this moment of crisis, we pray that Hashem hear our Tefillot, see our actions and feel the impact of our love for Israel and her people. May we fight together for a safer Israel and a better tomorrow.
With love and hope,
Rabbi Dovid Zirkind

Friday, October 25, 2024 23 Tishrei 5785