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Sponsor Teen Minyan Kiddush
Sponsor a Kiddush
Sponsor a Kiddush
First Name
Please write your name as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.
Last Name
Mobile Number
Your email address
Which Kiddush would you like to sponsor?
Please Select One
Main Kiddush
7 AM Kiddush
Teen Minyan Kiddush
YPM Kiddush
Please select the week that you would like to sponsor:
Main Kiddush Levels:
Simple Ice Cream Kiddush ($400)
Assorted Ice cream novelties
Baked Goods
Cold Kiddush ($800)
Gefilte Fish
Baked Goods
Tuna Salad
Egg Salad
Fruit Platters
Hot Kiddush ($1,500)
Kiddush Potato Kugel
Gefilte Fish
Chicken Poppers/Chicken Nuggets
Large Fruit Platter
Grilled Vegetables
Assorted Baked Goods
We can discuss if there is something else that you have in mind to add to any of these menus.
Which level of Kiddush would you like to sponsor?
YPM Kiddush Levels
Basic Cold Dairy Kiddush - $250
Ice Cream
Baked Goods
Basic Hot YPM Kiddush - $450
Fruit Platter
Baked Goods
Deluxe YPM Kiddush - $575
Fruit Platter
Franks in Blankets
Chicken Poppers
Baked Goods
Please reach out to the RJC office to discuss additional kiddush options
Which level of Kiddush would you like to sponsor?
I would like to sponsor the 7 AM Kiddush for $100
I would like to sponsor the 7 AM Kiddush for $100
Which Shabbat would you like to sponsor the 7 AM kiddush for?
Which level of Teen Minyan Kiddush would you like to sponsor?
Teen Minyan Kiddush (cholent and kugel) - $100
Deluxe Teen Minyan (cholent, kugel, and chicken fingers) - $150
Which Shabbat would you like to sponsor the Teen Kiddush for?
Are you sponsoring in honor / memory of someone or something?
Please Select One
Who or what are you honoring or commemorating?
I would like to sponsor the Young Professionals Kiddush
Please Select One
YPM Basic Kiddush Sponsorship - $450
YPM Deluxe Kiddush Sponsorship - $575
Which Shabbat would you like to sponsor for?
Text to be included in the weekly Bulletin
Please note, messages are subject to slight change. Check the box on the right if you'd like to confirm the text before it goes to print.
Check this box if you will reach out to confirm your sponsorship message. The RJC has a right to edits if there is no timely response.
Check this box if you will reach out to confirm your sponsorship message. The RJC has a right to edits if there is no timely response.
Sponsorship Total
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 2 Kislev 5785